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Dale Maney, proprietor of Maney Tree Moving Service, has moved thousands of trees in over twenty years. His experience goes well beyond just moving them as he’s been growing them for over twenty-five years as well. This first hand expertise with trees means Dale knows the ins-and-outs of making sure trees not only live but also thrive. His passion and knowledge of trees is why he’s an asset to anyone contemplating moving trees. He understands how such things as soil conditions and root structure can make a tree a good or bad candidate for transplanting. He will provide consultation prior to the start of any job to ensure that you know what to expect from him, and so you also know what is expected of yourself for after-care once the transplant is complete. You can feel comfortable knowing that your trees and your yard are in good hands with him.


field2We are located near Fond du lac, Wisconsin, but are willing to drive to help you. We have no problem driving 60+ miles to help you out with your trees. If you would like to set up an appointment or a consultation with Dale, feel free to call us at 920-948-1087 or email us at maneytreemovingservice@gmail.com. Also, you can check us out on Facebook or Google+ as well–just type in Maney Tree Moving Services. We’d love to talk to you about your tree moving needs.






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